Wednesday, May 11, 2005


On Wednesday's, I lead chapel at a local private Christian high school. The lesson today was on servanthood. I was using John 13 and how Jesus Himself came to serve others. The night before He was to die, not only did the disciples have the Last Supper with Jesus, but Jesus washed the disciples feet. Amazing!!!

As I've thought about the idea of Servanthood throughtout the day, I wonder if this is something that the church in the 21st century has forgotten. I know it's dangerous to make statements that are based on a few examples, but when is the last time that your church had a foot washing service. I know that the churches that I've attended, we have never did this simple example of servanthood. I have been at a summer camp, when a few people in the crowd participated with the leaders in a foot washing, and that is the only time. I was wanting to demonstrate this today during chapel, but no one in the room was willing to let me wash their feet.

I reminded them that there are a few keys to servanthood:

1. We have to get rid of our pride
2. We must participate, or be active serving
3. We need to have a passion to help those in need

I also reminded them how Jesus taught that the "First will be last and the last will be first". I also realized today that Pride is something that seeks to be served and not to serve. The sin that led Lucifer to rebel against God, was Pride. I'm sure that Satan has never felt the need to serve others, but only to "kill, steal, and destroy."

I believe that Pride can be the most dangerous sin for leaders in the church. Leaders must remember that God has called and gifted us. Be careful to not allow the "pats on the back" and the "good sermon, preacher" to boost our egos. If we are in an attitude of serving others, then it will help us to "know Him and make Him known".

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