Friday, May 06, 2005

Lottery or Video Poker: What's the Difference? $$$

The Senate's budget cuts the corporate tax rate starting in 2007 and trims the rate on the highest income bracket next year while raising taxes on items such as cigarettes, satellite TV and liquor. It creates a state lottery, bans video poker, gives state employees a 2 percent pay raise and lops 57,000 elderly, blind or disabled patients off the Medicaid rolls, shifting them to Medicare.

This is a quote from the Wednesday Charlotte Observer. Our state government has decided to join the "crowd" and form a state lottery. I find it another example of people not willing to take a stand against all types of gambling. I know that there are many people who see nothing wrong with gambling, but most denominations, including ours, southern baptist, and many others stand against gambling, including lotteries.

I do not see any difference in a lottery, where you pay to choose numbers and hope to win a lot of money, and poker, once again where you make a decision with cards and hope to win a lot of money. How could the same people vote for one and not the other? The lottery money will be going for "government programs" and they get no profits from video poker machines. I believe that they are both unbiblical and we should encourage people to abstain from these practices. I know that many people get caught in the trap and it has a horrible affect on their loved ones.

This is just another example of our politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, not taking a stand against "sin" unless it suits their own gain. I believe that this attitude is not just prevelant in our governments, but in our churches. I hope that we will see a rise in the number of pastors and church leaders from any denomination take stands for the teachings of the Word of God.

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